We strongly recommend to book a taxi by phone or web from proven companies. It is not unusual that other taxi drivers try to cheat customer.
Contacts of some taxi companies:
- AAA taxi tel. (+420) 14 0 14 or (+420) 222 333 222
- CityTaxi (+420) 257 257 257
- Taxi Praha (+420) 222 111 000
Remember that the law states a maximum price of:
- 40 CZK boarding fee
- 28 CZK per kilometre
- 6 CZK per minute waiting
See official Prague’s web page for other information.
Public transport (BUS, TRAM, METRO)
For BUS + TRAM + METRO + funicular to Petřín hill you need validate ticket immediately after entering. Use 24 CZK ticket for less than 30 minutes way, 32 CZK ticket for less than 90 min. way, 110 CZK ticket for 1 day transporting or 310 CZK ticket for 3 days transporting (within the time limit you can always change tram / metro / bus with the same, once validated, ticket). You can use SMS ticket, also. See information about ticked sales.
The nearest tram stops are:
- Národní divadlo — right side of Vltava river
(day: 6, 9, 18, 22, 24; in night: 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59) - Újezd — - left side of Vltava river (day:6, 9, 22; night: 57, 59)
See tametables (switch to English or German).
See the official web page of Prague transportation company.
Transport by own car
In the place you can not park !!!
You can try to find a place on the left side of the Vltava river (Smíchov). But even there it can be difficult.
See the official Prague’s web page for further information.
Transport from airport
From Prague airport Ruzyně:
- by taxi (ca 400 CZK)
- by public transport (MHD): Go from Ruzyně airport to station SÍDLIŠTĚ ČERVENÝ VRCH by BUS 119 (15 min.), then continue to station Újezd by TRAM 20 (20 min.).
You can find other possibilities in the timetables.
See the official Prague’s web page for further information.
Transport from train station
From the main train station (PRAHA — HLAVNÍ NÁDRAŽÍ):
— by taxi
— by public transport (MHD): Find TRAM station HLAVNÍ NÁDRAŽÍ near the main train station, take TRAM 9 or and go directly to station ÚJEZD (7 stations, 11 min.).
You can find other possibilities in the timetables.
Transport from main bus station
From the main bus station (PRAHA — FLORENC):
- by taxi
- by public transport (MHD): Find METRO and go to B (yellow) line of station FLORENC. Go from FLORENC to NÁRODNÍ TŘÍDA (3 stations), leave metro and find TRAM station. Go to station ÚJEZD (you can take any tram number).
You can find other possibilities in the timetables.
Safety Tips
112 – the universal emergency number which will connect you to police, fire and ambulance services. This number can even be called from a mobile phone without credit or a SIM card. The operator, who can give advice in foreign languages, will be able to determine your present location.
See the official Prague’s web page for further information.
The average temperature from September 21st to 23rd in Prague is
14.4 °C. Minimum was 1.7 °C (1848) and maximum was 29.9 °C (2003).
See current on-line view.
A number of exchange offices (usually free of charge) and cash dispensers are available in adjacent Mostecká street and Malostranské náměstí. In public transport (especially when entering metro/tram and on stations) beware of pickpockets !