Information about processing of personal data and use of cookies.

Who cares about data processing
Ivo Mar­van, Radějovická 36, 251 01, Herink, Czech Republic

Information as part of signing up for a meeting in the sign-up form.

Why do we process these data You can only enter this infor­ma­tion if you are sign­ing up for a meet­ing. This appli­ca­tion has the nature of a contract.
We are act­ing as a “legit­i­mate inter­est”. We need this infor­ma­tion for pair­ing with your pay­ments and also to let you know about news and changes regard­ing our meeting.
What data we process With­in the login process at the meet­ing, we process name, sur­name, city (option­al), state, email, tele­phone (option­al), days when you will par­tic­i­pate, price, date of reg­is­tra­tion, con­sent with the terms, con­sent with the pro­cess­ing of such data and inter­nal ID to iden­ti­fy the payment.
What we do not do with these data We do not pro­vide your infor­ma­tion to third parties.
How long we keep them We keep the data for 5 years (in con­nec­tion with the keep­ing of account­ing documents).
Right to revoke your con­sent, the right to find out what data we keep about you. If you want to find out what data we hold about you or to can­cel your pro­cess­ing (delete data), please write to We will be pleased to do it for you.


Why do not we both­er you with the “Cook­ies Bar” The cook­ies that this web­site uses are not per­son­al data. I.e. we nev­er asso­ciate them with data that could iden­ti­fy your per­son. We use only the tech­ni­cal cook­ies that are required to oper­ate the site and the ones that serve to track site traf­fic statistics.
We do not have ads on the page.
Con­sent and its removal Accord­ing to the legal opin­ion of the oCzech Office for the Pro­tec­tion of Per­son­al Data, you con­sent to the use of cook­ies by their per­mis­sion in your brows­er set­tings. If you want to remove this per­mis­sion, uncheck cook­ies in this setting.

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