International Push Hands Meeting in Prague 2024

Wel­come to the next meeting:


All fans of push hands (tui shou) and Tai Chi Chuan, who want to meet in a friend­ly atmos­phere and exchange their expe­ri­ences, are cor­dially invit­ed regard­less of their lev­el of practice.


The Prague „push-hands“ work­shop becomes part of the chain of meet­ings that already have a long tra­di­tion in West Europe (Hanover, Cale­do­nia, …). The Prague meet­ing fol­lows the spir­it of the afore­men­tioned events. One of the sens­es of our meet­ing is to open also east­ern part of Europe to this kind of exchange of experience.

  • In the morn­ings there will be par­al­lel lessons of two invit­ed teach­ers who will intro­duce their way of prac­tice, most­ly in con­nec­tion with Push Hands (see sched­ule).

  • Dur­ing after­noons we will have free Push Hands in pairs. Part­ners will agree with each oth­er on the lev­el of Push Hands prac­tice (with steps, with­out steps, …). Pairs will change every 10 min­utes. More advanced prac­ti­cians should respect the lev­el of the partner.

It is not nec­es­sary to prac­tice the whole time. Tea will be pre­pared for rest­ing peo­ple in the hall. The event is open to all lev­els of experience.

Always one of the (”morn­ing“) teach­ers will help begin­ners by giv­ing them an expla­na­tion of Push Hands basics.

The offi­cial lan­guage of the meet­ing is English.

Participants of 2022, group photo

3rd meeting, 2014

grupe 2016

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