place: Střelecký ostrov (Shooting Island)
13–15 September 2024
- 10:00 ‑12:30 — workshops: Harriet Devlin or Gianfranco Pace
- 14:30 ‑14:50 — practice in pairs: Tap Sao
- 14:50 ‑17:00 — practice in pairs: Free push-hands
- (17.00 — 18:30 — Private fencing lessons for long-term students of Tomasz Nowakowski only. Sorry for the others.)
19:00 — .. Those interested can meet for dinner together. Pivovar Národní, Národní 8 (map)
(Not included in the registration fee.)
- 10:00 — 12:30 — workshops: Gianfranco Pace or Tomasz Nowakowski
- 14:30 — 14:50 — practice in pairs: Tap Sao
- 14:50 — 17:00 — practice in pairs: Free push-hands
- 17:00 — 18:00 — break, preparation for “Gala” evening
- 18:00 — 19:00, Harriet Devlin,
Talk: “From Resistance Worker to Tai Chi Pioneer: The Remarkable Journey of Gerda Geddes and Her Discovery of Tai Chi Chuan and Its Symbols”. - 19:00 — … forms exhibitions
- party
- 10:00–12:30 — workshops: Harriet Devlin or Tomasz Nowakowski
- 14:30–14:50 — practice in pairs: Tap Sao
- 14:50–17:00 — practice in pairs: Free push-hands
- Workshops – Experienced teachers will present their methods of work in Tai Chi Chuan and/or push hands.
- Practice in pairs
- 4×5 minutes of Tap Sao
- Free push-hands: Participants will individually agree on how they want to practice in pairs. They will practice in 10-minute rounds. Participants will agree on the type of practice (free push hands vs. form push hands, with steps vs. without steps). The level is always adjusted to the practitioner with less experience.
- Gala-evening – Space for presentations of styles, schools, and forms as well as a friendly meeting.
Harriet Devlin

Harriet Devlin
Harriet was born in Hong Kong, the daughter of Gerda Geddes – the first non-Chinese to teach Tai Chi Chuan in Europe. Harriet remembers her mother being taught Tai Chi Chuan in the 1950s by Master Choy Hok Pang (1885−1958) and his son, Master Choy Kam Man (1921−1993). Gerda ‘Pytt’ Geddes spent many years studying Chinese philosophy, art, and literature to understand the meanings of the symbols in the Yang Style Long Form and evolved an interpretation of an allegorical life journey embodied within the form. Harriet learnt from her mother at The Place, Centre for Contemporary Dance in London, and was privileged to attend classes with Master Cheng Man Ching before he died in 1975. She also studied in America with Sophia Delza in New York, revisited Master Choy Kam Man in San Francisco, and took further classes in Taiwan. In addition, Harriet studied Shiatsu in America and Japan and taught and practised for many years. Harriet began teaching the Yang Style Long Form in the 1970s and has continued ever since, alongside motherhood and her professional career as a museum creator and university academic in the field of historic buildings. Harriet has little experience of push hands as the symbolism of the form has fed and stimulated her throughout her life.
Abstract of the Talk
Harriet will give a presentation/talk/demonstration: “From Resistance Worker to Tai Chi Pioneer: The Remarkable Journey of Gerda Geddes and Her Discovery of Tai Chi Chuan and Its Symbols.”
Workshop Topic
In the two workshops, Harriet will explore meanings and symbols within the long form, through practice, art, and Taoist philosophy. From cradle to grave, we go through a process of change, of ‘becoming’ and ‘debecoming’. We are all the time on our way towards something else. The Allegorical Journey of Tai Chi Chuan shows these natural stages of transformation with great clarity. According to the Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu, our starting point is one of original ignorance; we have no knowledge. As we go through life, we accumulate knowledge and learning, which we have to shed again, so that at the end of our lives, we no longer have to hold on. In Taoist philosophy, when we die, our spirit soul will float upwards and will join with the energy of the cosmos, and according to the life we have led, we will contribute to this living energy.
Harriet will join the afternoon Push Hands sessions as a student rather than a teacher.
Linkd and References
- T’ai Chi Chu’uan with Harriet Devlin (classes)
- Looking for the Golden Needle – an allegorical journey Gerda Geddes MannaMedia 1991 ( currently out of print)
- Dancer in the Light : the life of Gerda ‘Pytt’ Geddes Frank Woods Psi Books 2008 ( Limited copies available for sale)
Gianfranco Pace

Gianfranco Pace
Born on 15th June 1969 in Catania, Italy, he began studying Chen style Taijiquan as a teenager under the guidance of M. Shi Rong Hua, who instructed him with a ‘family’ sort of teaching. After about ten years of learning from him, in 1998, he traveled through China seeking the effective qualities of Taijiquan.
Following the advice of his teacher, in 2001, he went to study in Chenjiagou, the cradle of Taijiquan, living in M. Chen Xiao Xing’s home. Upon his return to Italy, he attended seminars by several masters of the 19th generation of the Chen family.
In 2003, he founded the ITKA, International Taijiquan Kung Fu Association, proposing the entire traditional technical program, enriched by other exercises and his own method of teaching, a result of his practical experience.
He has been invited to teach in different countries around the world for his effectiveness in Taijiquan.
For five consecutive years, he has taught in New York, and he has also held seminars in Florida, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. In the latter four countries, he was able to establish ITKA schools for South America.
In 2015, he was appointed by the Italian Federation of Wushu Kung Fu as the master responsible for the entire field of Taijiquan. In June 2016, he presided over an international seminar together with Grand Master Yang Jun, the great-grandson of Yang Cheng Fu, a direct descendant of Yang Lu Chan. The theme of the seminar was ‘Chen style meets Yang style’. In March 2017, he chaired another international seminar together with Master Zhou ZhongFu (Wu Style) in Genoa. He has been invited for his martial qualities by the Wang Academy to teach along with M. Wang Zhi Xiang.
In July 2017, owing to the invitation of Master Wang, he taught in China at the Sanya International Camp.
Now, he is working intensively, leading several Taijiquan and Nei Gong ITKA Instructors Courses in Italy, Spain, Germany, and South America.
In 2009, he realized the dream of building a school where it is possible to study and live for long or short periods: the ITKA’s main site school was established close to Catania.
Owing to this, a new project called ITKA College started, and now many people from many countries, including Scotland, are studying intensively to reach a high level in Taijiquan.
It’s worthy to highlight that, even though he has been invited by several exponents of the Chen Style’s 19th generation to represent their school, Master Pace has never accepted these requests in order to carry out the ITKA System, a high-level method that is traditional and innovative, recognized in many countries around the world, and since 2017, even in China.
- ITKA — Taijiquan is for everyone —
Tomasz (Thomas) Nowakowski

Tomasz (Thomas) Nowakowski
Tomasz (Thomas) Nowakowski living in London, visual and martial artist. He has studied different martial arts since 1966 and has been teaching T’ai Chi Ch’uan and Qi Gong since 1982. During the last 30 years, Thomas has taught Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong in many countries: Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. He has led workshops at his own school as well as for different companies, and cultural and educational institutions. Thomas was a judge at the Open National Championship of Taiwan in 2004. He is a co-founder of The Centre of Taoist Arts Golden Hill (Zlaty Kopec) in Prague, the International Push Hands Meeting in Prague and founder of Tai Chi Art Centre London. In 1990 he met his current teacher Dr Ming Wong C.Y. and studied his family style Tai Chi, Tai Ki Kung San Fung and some techniques and theories of Chinese medicine. Thomas is the author of “Shapes of Balance” system (structured development of perception).
Workshop Topic
“When you understand a technique, you know a technique. When you understand a concept, you know a thousand techniques.”
Understanding a concept is the core of my Shapes of Balance teaching system.
The topic of my workshop will be practical research of a concept of Chang San Feng 13th Fundamental Forms Tai Chi in individual forms and their applications with partners in Tuishou (Pushing Hands). Based on the comparison examples from San Feng and Yang styles. We will be working with timing, coordination, the balance of structure and awareness of movements in action with partners.
- Centre of Taoist Arts Golden Hill (home page)
- Tai Ki Kung