Bank account

Please pay for the meeting in one of the following ways:

    • You can pay in cash on the spot (in Euro or in CZK).
    • From around the world, by Rev­o­lut ser­vice (in EURO or in CZK
      • You can find me (Ivo Mar­van) using my phone num­ber: +420 604 262 902
      • or from the Czech Repub­lic to the account num­ber: 5170013317/5500, the recip­i­ent: REVOLUT LTD, LONDON, UK, Ben­e­fi­cia­ry address: 7 West­fer­ry Cir­cus, E14 4HD, Lon­don, GB, ref­er­ence: 26422237
      • or oth­er­wise to IBAN: LT62 3250 0240 8548 0066, BIC: REVOLT21, recip­i­ent: Ivo Mar­van, address of recip­i­ent: Rade­jovic­ka, C.P. 36, 251 01, Herink, CZ
    • From the Czech Repub­lic 
      • Account num­ber: 2000264646/2010
      • Vari­able sym­bol: see con­fir­ma­tion of your registration
      • Bank: Fio ban­ka, a.s., V Cel­ni­ci 1028/10, Pra­ha 1, Account own­er: Ivo Marvan
    • From Slo­va­kia
      • Account num­ber: 2000264646/8330
      • Vari­able sym­bol: see the con­fir­ma­tion of your registration
      • Bank: Fio ban­ka, a.s., V Cel­ni­ci 1028/10, Pra­ha 1, Account own­er: Ivo Marvan
    • From EU
      •  IBAN: CZ4820100000002000264646,
      • Swift code, BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX
      • Vari­able sym­bol (pay­ment iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber): see the con­fir­ma­tion of your registration
      • Bank: Fio ban­ka, a.s., V Cel­ni­ci 1028/10, Pra­ha 1, Account own­er: Ivo Marvan
    • From oth­er countries
      Par­tic­i­pants from oth­er coun­tries will pay in cash at the begin­ning of the event to avoid unnec­es­sary fees. In their case, the reg­is­tra­tion date is the date of the receipt of their reg­is­tra­tion form.


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