Schedule 2016


Date/Time 10:00–13:00
15:00–18:00 19:30–22:00
Fri­day, 9. 9. 2016 Prac­tice in pairs -
Sat­ur­day, 10. 9. 2016 Prac­tice in pairs Gala-evening
Sun­day, 11. 9. 2016 Prac­tice in pairs -
  • Work­shops – Expe­ri­enced teach­ers will present their meth­ods of work in Tai Chi Chuan and push hands.
  • Prac­tice in pairs – Par­tic­i­pants will indi­vid­u­al­ly agree on how they want to prac­tice in pairs. They will prac­tice in 10-minute rounds. Par­tic­i­pants will agree on the type of prac­tice (free push hands vs. form push hands, with steps vs. with­out steps). The lev­el is always adjust­ed to the prac­ti­tion­er with less experience.
  • Gala-evening – Space for pre­sen­ta­tions of styles, schools and forms as well as a friend­ly meeting.


Ceciel Kroes

Biog­ra­phy:Ceciel Kroes
Ceciel is a pro­fes­sion­al artist who lives in Amsterdam.
She is prac­tis­ing tai chi chuan since 1992, Yang style lin­eage: the Body Mechan­ics of grand­mas­ter William C.C.Chen. She became a cer­ti­fied teacher in 2002 and received her mas­ter diplo­ma in 2013. Still study­ing at grand­mas­ter William C.C.Chen she also takes reg­u­lar­ly class­es from Maart­je van Staal­dui­j­nen and Rob and Erich Völke. She also fol­lowed numer­ous work­shops in Europe with var­i­ous well-known teach­ers. Since 2000 Ceciel teach­es week­ly pri­vate stu­dents and groups, gives reg­u­lar inter­na­tion­al work­shops and is active as an inter­na­tion­al judge at com­pe­ti­tions. She joined the Dutch STN board com­mit­tee from 2008 till 2012 as head of judge pol­i­cy and for­eign con­tacts. Since 2011 she is Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee mem­ber of the TCFE.


Consciousness exercises

  1. Train­ing mind-aware­ness and flex­i­bil­i­ty of your phys­i­cal reaction.
    How you per­ceive the real inten­tion of your oppo­nent and your response in push hands con­tact. When is it still ‘a game’ and when is it ‘get­ting serious’…
  2. How to rec­og­nize and use your per­son­al ener­gy.
    When under pres­sure…: your mind must real­ize relaxation.
    Your indi­vid­ual ener­gy must be clear when you need to react.
  3. Intro­duc­tion of the Body Mechan­ics.

The inter­pre­ta­tion of TCC prin­ci­ples of grand­mas­ter William C.C. Chen :
‘3 nails’, ‘bird’, ‘dou­ble heart’ and more,

How to prac­tise those in Form-move­ments and how to use its ener­gy in push hands.

* These work­shops are suit­able for all levels.


Paul Renall

Biog­ra­phy:Paul Renall
Founder of the Tai­ji School, Paul Renall, start­ed train­ing Tai­ji in the year 2000, which led to teach­ing one year later.

He was for­tu­nate enough to meet and train with Wee Kee-Jin in New Zealand. Through long inten­sive train­ing Paul even­tu­al­ly became a cer­ti­fied teacher of Jin’s “Tai­ji­quan School of Cen­tral Equi­lib­ri­um”. He then went to Europe with Jin, assist­ing in his work­shops and camps.

For the last six years Paul has been tak­ing his own work­shops and res­i­den­tials in and around Europe.

In the last six years, Paul has spent extend­ed peri­ods of time in Tai­wan, learn­ing from some excep­tion­al teach­ers there. Dur­ing this time Paul has had many hours per­son­al instruc­tion from notable Mas­ters Jeng, Shen, Hsu, Zhou and Wu, espe­cial­ly in the areas of Push Hands.

Paul’s prac­tice and learn­ing has also been enhanced with instruc­tion from Mas­ter Kim (Bagua) and Sam Tam (yiquan).

He is now ful­fill­ing his inten­tion to estab­lish a con­cen­trat­ed envi­ron­ment by found­ing The Tai­ji School.



Roland von Loefen

Biog­ra­phy: Roland von LoefenRoland start­ed his Tai­ji­quan — prac­tice 1988 with Hel­mut Bauer, Bar­bara Schmid-Neuhaus and Toyo Kobayashi in the tra­di­tion of Cheng Man Ching. In 1998, Roland met mas­ter Yek Sing Ong and his cur­rent teacher Wee Kee Jin. Through long inten­sive train­ing he even­tu­al­ly became a cer­ti­fied Instruc­tor and Teacher of Wee Kee Jin’s “Tai­ji­quan School of Cen­tral Equi­lib­ri­um”. In 2013 he found­ed and orga­nized the 1st inter­na­tion­al push hands meet­ing in Haß­furt am Main.


Top­ic: We want to work on yield­ing, push­ing with a relaxed force. If you can yield, you have the abil­i­ty to neu­tral­ize the oppo­nents force. Our exer­cis­es are fix push hands and semi-free push hands. The advan­tage of Semi-free Push­ing Hands is, that you can learn to lis­ten and sense how your part­ner behaves. Win­ning is only sec­ondary as you change roles after 5 minutes.
We are using 3 dif­fer­ent stances for this kind of push­ing hands.


Tomasz (Thomas) Nowakowski

Biog­ra­phy: Tomasz (Thomas) Nowakows­ki liv­ing in Lon­don, visu­al and mar­tial artist. He has stud­ied dif­fer­ent mar­tial arts since 1966 and has been teach­ing T’ai Chi Ch’uan and Qi Gong since 1982. Dur­ing last 30 years Thomas has taught Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong in many coun­tries: Aus­tria, Czech Repub­lic, France, Ger­many, Italy, Poland, Slo­va­kia, Tai­wan and Unit­ed King­dom. He has lead work­shops at his own school as well as for dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies, cul­tur­al and edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions. Thomas was a judge at Open Nation­al Cham­pi­onship of Tai­wan in 2004. He is co-founder The Cen­tre of Taoist Arts Gold­en Hill (Zlaty Kopec) in Prague, Inter­na­tion­al Push Hands Meet­ing in Prague and founder Tai Chi Art Cen­tre Lon­don. In 1990 he met his cur­rent teacher Dr Ming Wong C.Y. and has stud­ied his fam­i­ly style Tai Chi, Tai Ki Kung San Fung and some tech­niques and the­o­ry of Chi­nese med­i­cine. Thomas is the author of “Shapes of Bal­ance” sys­tem (struc­tured devel­op­ment of perception).

The appli­ca­tion of “Shapes of Bal­ance” sys­tem (struc­tured devel­op­ment of per­cep­tion) into prac­tice with partner.
We will be work­ing with “Lis­ten­ing” (ting jin) and “Inter­pre­ta­tion” (dong jin), feel­ing, con­scious of:

  • bal­ance of structure
  • mind inten­tion
  • tim­ing
  • emis­sion 13 Basic Tai Chi forms of kinet­ic ener­gy (inter­nal force),

in dif­fer­ent lev­el tuishou and applications.
The work­shop is open for begin­ners and advanced.


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