Eating and drinking

Recommended restaurants for exam­ple here

(On Fri­day with cheap­er, cca 120 CZK, noon menu; all in adja­cent streets Újezd, Karmelit­ská and Vítězná, or at square Mal­ostran­ské náměstí)

Quick buffets without sitting

  • Bistro SOUP and SALAD (Újezd 46, Pra­ha 1)
  • Chi­nese buf­fet (Karmelit­ská 28, Pra­ha 1)
  • Sub­way (Karmelit­ská 28, Pra­ha 1,

Interesting nearby places for night drinking and walking

  • MLÝNSKÁ kavár­na (Café Mlýn­ská, Všehrdo­va 14/449, Pra­ha 1), entrance with big mill wheel from KAMPA park (you can take beer to park)
  • Pivnice U ŠVEJKŮ (some­times with accor­dion play­er,
  • You can enjoy nice view from Petřín hill (and Petřín tow­er) locat­ed over the meet­ing place and acces­si­ble by near­by fur­nic­u­lar (2 sta­tions to the top of the hill or 1 sta­tion to Nebozízek with high­er-lev­el restau­rant,

and many others …

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