Transportation facilities


We strong­ly rec­om­mend to book a taxi by phone or web from proven com­pa­nies. It is not unusu­al that oth­er taxi dri­vers try to cheat customer.
Con­tacts of some taxi companies:

Remem­ber that the law states a max­i­mum price of:

  • 40 CZK board­ing fee
  • 28 CZK per kilometre
  • 6 CZK per minute waiting

See offi­cial Prague’s web page for oth­er information.

Public transport (BUS, TRAM, METRO)

For BUS + TRAM + METRO + funic­u­lar to Petřín hill you need val­i­date tick­et imme­di­ate­ly after enter­ing. Use 24 CZK tick­et for less than 30 min­utes way, 32 CZK tick­et for less than 90 min. way, 110 CZK tick­et for 1 day trans­port­ing or 310 CZK tick­et for 3 days trans­port­ing (with­in the time lim­it you can always change tram / metro / bus with the same, once val­i­dat­ed, tick­et). You can use SMS tick­et, also. See infor­ma­tion about ticked sales.

The near­est tram stops are:

  • Národ­ní divad­lo — right side of Vlta­va river
    (day: 6, 9, 18, 22, 24; in night: 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59)
  • Újezd — - left side of Vlta­va riv­er (day:6, 9, 22; night: 57, 59)

See tameta­bles (switch to Eng­lish or German).

See the offi­cial web page of Prague trans­porta­tion company.

Transport by own car

In the place you can not park !!!

You can try to find a place on the left side of the Vlta­va riv­er (Smí­chov). But even there it can be difficult.

See the offi­cial Prague’s web page for fur­ther information.

Transport from airport

From Prague air­port Ruzyně:

  • by taxi (ca 400 CZK)
  • by pub­lic trans­port (MHD): Go from Ruzyně air­port to sta­tion SÍDLIŠTĚ ČERVENÝ VRCH by BUS 119 (15 min.), then con­tin­ue to sta­tion Újezd  by TRAM 20 (20 min.).

You can find oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties in the  timeta­bles.

See the offi­cial Prague’s web page for fur­ther information.

Transport from train station

From the main train sta­tion (PRAHAHLAVNÍ NÁDRAŽÍ):
— by taxi
— by pub­lic trans­port (MHD): Find TRAM sta­tion HLAVNÍ NÁDRAŽÍ near the main train sta­tion, take TRAM 9 or  and go direct­ly to sta­tion ÚJEZD (7 sta­tions, 11 min.).

You can find oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties in the  timeta­bles.

Transport from main bus station

From the main bus sta­tion (PRAHAFLORENC):


  • by taxi
  • by pub­lic trans­port (MHD): Find METRO and go to B (yel­low) line of sta­tion FLORENC. Go from FLORENC to NÁRODNÍ TŘÍDA (3 sta­tions), leave metro and find TRAM sta­tion. Go to sta­tion ÚJEZD (you can take any tram number).

You can find oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties in the  timeta­bles.

Safety Tips

112 – the uni­ver­sal emer­gency num­ber which will con­nect you to police, fire and ambu­lance ser­vices. This num­ber can even be called from a mobile phone with­out cred­it or a SIM card. The oper­a­tor, who can give advice in for­eign lan­guages, will be able to deter­mine your present location.

See the offi­cial Prague’s web page for fur­ther information.


The aver­age tem­per­a­ture from Sep­tem­ber 21st to 23rd in Prague is
14.4 °C. Min­i­mum was 1.7 °C (1848) and max­i­mum was 29.9 °C (2003).Find more about Weather in Praha, CZ
See cur­rent on-line view.


A num­ber of exchange offices (usu­al­ly free of charge) and cash dis­pensers are avail­able in adja­cent Mostecká street and Mal­ostran­ské náměstí. In pub­lic trans­port (espe­cial­ly when enter­ing metro/tram and on sta­tions) beware of pickpockets !

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