Swimming pool

The old­est swim­ming pool in Prague — 1925, filled with spring water from Petřín hill.

25 m, depth 1.5 to 2.5 m,
water tem­per­a­ture 26 ° C, air tem­per­a­ture 27 ° C.

Pool capac­i­ty of 40 per­sons for 1 hour.

Open for pub­lic: Sat­ur­day from 10 to 19 hours, Sun­day from 10 to 18 hours.

Admis­sion: 90 CZK / 1 hour
Chil­dren under 130 cm height are admit­ted free.

Con­tact: Phone +420 257 007 399

Adress: Újezd 40/450, 11800 Pra­ha — Malá Strana

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