Schedule 2013

Sep­tem­ber, 2013

Date/Time 10:00–13:00
15:00–18:00 19:30–22:00
Fri­day, 13. 9. 2013 Prac­tice in pairs -
Sat­ur­day, 14. 9. 2013 Prac­tice in pairs Gala-evening
Sun­day, 15. 9. 2013 09:00-12:00 13:00–16:00
Prac­tice in pairs -
  • Work­shops – Expe­ri­enced teach­ers will present their meth­ods of work in Tai Chi Chuan and push hands.
  • Prac­tice in pairs – Par­tic­i­pants will indi­vid­u­al­ly agree on how they want to prac­tice in pairs. They will prac­tice in 10-minute rounds. Par­tic­i­pants will agree on the type of prac­tice (free push hands vs. form push hands, with steps vs. with­out steps). The lev­el is always adjust­ed to the prac­ti­tion­er with less experience.
  • Gala-evening – Space for pre­sen­ta­tions of styles, schools and forms as well as a friend­ly meeting.


Paul Silfverstråle

Biog­ra­phy: Has stud­ied Asian mar­tial arts for over 25 years, and is a stu­dent of Dan Docher­ty since 1998. He has lived, trav­elled, prac­ticed and taught exten­sive­ly in Europe, Chi­na and SE Asia, and spent thor­ough time in Malaysia and Sin­ga­pore prac­tic­ing with Wu-style fam­i­ly. Paul is an inter­na­tion­al tour­na­ment win­ner in forms, push­ing hands and San Shou, and many of his stu­dents have also been suc­cess­ful on the inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion are­na. He works pro­fes­sion­al­ly teach­ing and prac­tic­ing Tai Chi Chuan, func­tion­al train­ing and TCM acupuncture.
Top­ic: Five close quar­ter strate­gies in push­ing hands:

  • Mian – Softness
  • Nian – Adherence
  • Lian – Con­ti­nu­ity and connection
  • Sui – To follow/allow
  • Bu Diu Ding – Not oppose and not let­ting go.

Work­ing with these themes in Fixed and Mov­ing Step sce­nario adding applications.
Stu­dent lev­el – Begin­ner and up.


Sasa Krauter

Sasa KrauterBiog­ra­phy: Sasa Krauter did a mas­ter in sports and edu­ca­tion, is a sports ther­a­pist (DVGS) and a Tai­ji­quan and Qigong teacher (WCTAG, DDQT).
She is involved in the train­ing of future sports ther­a­pists and Tai­ji instruc­tors in Ger­many and Europe. Since the mid 80’s Sasa Krauter has devel­oped an active inter­est in east­ern philoso­phies, mar­tial arts and in par­tic­u­lar self-defense. Besides the mar­tial aspect, she is espe­cial­ly inter­est­ed in the ther­a­peu­tic and men­tal sides of Tai­ji­quan. She is also prac­tic­ing Zazen.

Chen Tai­ji­quan accord­ing to Chen Xiaowang has become her path, which com­bines health, men­tal devel­op­ment and mar­tial art. She per­ceives Tai­ji­quan as a pos­si­bil­i­ty to edu­cate body and mind. In her class­es her objec­tive is to trans­mit some of the rich­ness of this art.


Push-hands helps us find a safe pos­ture and prac­tice deter­mi­na­tion. Every­one has the pos­si­bil­i­ty to test one’s own struc­ture and one’s own stand in a play­ful way through a sequence of method­i­cal­ly devel­oped exercises.
This may include exer­cis­es like fixed-step Push Hands (Ding­bu) as well as mov­ing-steps Push Hands (Houbu) or also sim­ple appli­ca­tions for self-defense. Thus, push-hands offers a joy­ful pos­si­bil­i­ty to explore mar­tial aspects of Tai­ji­quan with­out risk.



Otakar Chochola — taoist name Mao Zi Pei (Abundant Rain)

Otakar ChocholaBiog­ra­phy: Start­ed his Tai Ji prac­tice 1997 under lead­er­ship of prof. Mario Topolsek, lat­er stud­ied with mas­ters Zhai Hong Yun, Zhai Jun, Zhai Feng and Dou Wan Chun. Since 2008 he began to fol­low the tra­di­tion­al taoist lin­eage in kung fu acad­e­my in Wudang, Chi­na. He was accept­ed as a mem­ber of 16th gen­er­a­tion and school con­tin­u­a­tor there.
“My cur­rent prac­tice incor­po­rates the results of my coop­er­a­tion with Emanuelle Pepin — the per­former and dance pro­fes­sor from France.” Work­shop description:
Top­ic: Impor­tance of space per­cep­tion, part­ner choice for tuishou, serch­ing the com­mon speach and coop­er­a­tion expres­sion. Dif­fer­ences between out­er and inner man­i­fes­ta­tions with­in the practice.


Tomasz (Thomas) Nowakowski

Biog­ra­phy: Tomasz (Thomas) Nowakows­ki liv­ing in Lon­don, visu­al and mar­tial artist. He has stud­ied dif­fer­ent mar­tial arts since 1966 and has been teach­ing T’ai Chi Ch’uan and Qi Gong since 1982. Dur­ing last 30 years Thomas has taught Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong in many coun­tries: Aus­tria, Czech Repub­lic, France, Ger­many, Italy, Poland, Slo­va­kia, Tai­wan and Unit­ed King­dom. He has lead work­shops at his own school as well as for dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies, cul­tur­al and edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions. Thomas was a judge at Open Nation­al Cham­pi­onship of Tai­wan in 2004. He is co-founder The Cen­tre of Taoist Arts Gold­en Hill (Zlaty Kopec) in Prague, Inter­na­tion­al Push Hands Meet­ing in Prague and founder Tai Chi Art Cen­tre Lon­don. In 1990 he met his cur­rent teacher Dr Ming Wong C.Y. and has stud­ied his fam­i­ly style Tai Chi, Tai Ki Kung San Fung and some tech­niques and the­o­ry of Chi­nese med­i­cine. Thomas is the author of “Shapes of Bal­ance” sys­tem (struc­tured devel­op­ment of perception).

The appli­ca­tion of “Shapes of Bal­ance” sys­tem (struc­tured devel­op­ment of per­cep­tion) into prac­tice with partner.
We will be work­ing with “Lis­ten­ing” (ting jin) and “Inter­pre­ta­tion” (dong jin), feel­ing, con­scious of:

  • bal­ance of structure
  • mind inten­tion
  • tim­ing
  • emis­sion 13 Basic Tai Chi forms of kinet­ic ener­gy (inter­nal force),

in dif­fer­ent lev­el tuishou and applications.
The work­shop is open for begin­ners and advanced.


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